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Today was a good day...

Recently, I had the pleasure of accompanying my grandson to his gymnastics class. On the way home he announced “Today was a good day”. When I asked him to explain further he said “I learned how to do a new routine on the bars... it was hard... but I finally got it...I’m happy!”

When was the last time you rejoiced in the simple pleasure of learning a new skill? My greatest moments of joy are centered around that “AH HA”’s of learning something new about myself or a situation. It feels good.

There are times when one can become bogged down in the process of transforming our life. We can forget all the steps we have taken to reach the present moment. Do I reflect on the process of living my life and consider the choices I have made to reach my goals? Is there room to rejoice when I do acknowledge myself?

As I focus on my goals, do I allow myself to take inventory or do I stand in judgement that I have so much further to go... I have found it very important for me to do a reflection and inventory, it empowers me to keep going... I’m happy!”

I encourage you to take some time to inventory your life and acknowledge your successes... Give yourself permission to rejoice in the process of growth and transformation present in each moment... Find reasons to celebrate your choices and the energy to continue forward increases.


Today I...

Celebrate my success

Enjoy each moment with love and peace

I am happy

And so it is...

Liz Robitaille is an internationally recognized Louise L. Hay teacher and founder of Wisdom is Within Coaching.  She can be reached at 877-986-5321 or liz@wisdomiswithin.com

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