What do you love about your life?

My 5 year old grandson recently asked me – “What do you love about your life?” My response was simple and easy – “I love loving all the people in my life”... When I asked him the same questions he responded... “Everything, except spiders”...

To me the spiders represent those negative thoughts and feelings which can deplete my joy and happiness. The negative thoughts and feelings do serve a purpose – if I can face the messages they are providing and take some action to support myself in different ways, then I am able to turn the negative thought or feelings into an opportunity for change.

Does the negative thought or feelings or fear dominate your life? What would my grandson do when he sees a spider – immediately he addresses his fear and calls for help. The adults in his life will respond with some action which will allay his fears. He will eventually learn how to address his fear and take action on his own. However, at this time he needs that support to feel safe.

We all need support in our lives to feel safe – sometimes the only person there to help is myself... What can I do? I check myself by asking “what do I know is true”... once I ask this question then I can begin to support myself differently and take the necessary steps to make a shift.

The spiders in our lives come and go... the one thing that is constant is the love in our lives and it is our responsible to nurture that love... reach out to those who care and ask for help... and to reassure ourselves of the love present within our own heart.

So, ask yourself this beautiful questions often – “What do I love about my life today?” The little child within you will be there to respond to the “except” part and guide you.

Today I...
Allow myself to feel my feelings...
See opportunity for change and ask for support...
Know that I am safe and loved...
And so it is...

Love Liz


Liz Robitaille is an internationally recognized Louise L. Hay teacher and founder of Wisdom is Within Coaching.  She can be reached at 877-986-5321 or liz@wisdomiswithin.com

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