Celebrating our Successes

I recently had the joy of watching my 5 years old grandson master mounting and riding his two wheel bike. I kept encouraging him – reminding him he had his balance and he could do it. All of a sudden he was off - his elation was expressed in a loud cry of excitement as he rode down the street. The next step was to master mounting while riding uphill... he began, unsure of himself and started affirming “conscious... conscious...conscious...” He told me these are the words he uses to help him when he is doing something new and difficult. Of course I was a proud grandmother...

There is a message here for each of us. Do you remember when you first mastered something and the excitement you felt – did your heart leap with joy? Are you still looking for that feeling as you live your adult experience? Do you have a special word you use to encourage yourself? Did you have a special way of supporting yourself as a child?

As I reflect upon the idea of celebrating our successes, I remind myself that as I get older I tend to forget the little steps along the way to each success. I sometimes take these little steps for granted and unless I have mastered my goal there is often no celebration. Today I am ready to step back and look at my successes differently. Each action I achieve as I work towards my goals is a success. I notice my feeling of joy increase as a result.

I encourage you to step back, take a look at your day and reflect on your success. Look for those tiniest of achievements that alone seem insignificant and yet added up over time create the vision you are working towards.

Today I...
Say yes to Success...
Appreciate the steps to reaching my goals...
Welcome feelings of joy and excitement...
And so it is

Love Liz


Liz Robitaille is an internationally recognized Louise L. Hay teacher and founder of Wisdom is Within Coaching.  She can be reached at 877-986-5321 or liz@wisdomiswithin.com

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